Wednesday, April 11, 2012

meaning male attitudes

Men who allow their partner to walk in front of him is usually handed over control of their love affair in the hands of the woman. If the position of the hands of a man at the bottom of the back of her hands shows his protective at the same time telling her lover that she is always ready to support it. 
The position of the hands of a man who embraced her knees, plus the position of his body that seemed to be a "shield" for women, indicating that he felt a closeness with a woman and want to always protect her. 

If your partner is happy to invite clash of a fist, or even a high five-tosan, which means she thinks you are not just the girlfriend or wife, but also good friends. 

Although hand in hand, if the man goes first, meaning he was acting as head of the family. However, if viewed the position of the hands of women who are in the hands of men while holding hands, so the woman could sometimes be even more dominant than men. 

If a woman put her hands on the shoulders of the couple showing the woman needs a man in all aspects of his life. But if a man's hand into his pocket when he hugged her lover? This could mean that men do not like to show affection in public. 

If a man walking with her to confront her. This indicates that he believed so strongly in a woman at his side.

meaning male attitudes

Men who allow their partner to walk in front of him is usually handed over control of their love affair in the hands of the woman. If the position of the hands of a man at the bottom of the back of her hands shows his protective at the same time telling her lover that she is always ready to support it. 
The position of the hands of a man who embraced her knees, plus the position of his body that seemed to be a "shield" for women, indicating that he felt a closeness with a woman and want to always protect her. 

If your partner is happy to invite clash of a fist, or even a high five-tosan, which means she thinks you are not just the girlfriend or wife, but also good friends. 

Although hand in hand, if the man goes first, meaning he was acting as head of the family. However, if viewed the position of the hands of women who are in the hands of men while holding hands, so the woman could sometimes be even more dominant than men. 

If a woman put her hands on the shoulders of the couple showing the woman needs a man in all aspects of his life. But if a man's hand into his pocket when he hugged her lover? This could mean that men do not like to show affection in public. 

If a man walking with her to confront her. This indicates that he believed so strongly in a woman at his side.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Positive things that folks say FOUR character in itself

Positive things that folks say FOUR character in itself
a. i'd appreciate another person's day a day albeit i am not excellent
b. i will feel relaxed and luxuriate in this moment
c. I feel comfy with my body, world, and every one of nature.
d. In my heart everything is ok
e. i used to be lovely, talented, and sweet, as it is
f. nobody ought to be me dressing
g. I is mild with myself on my sensible friend
h. i'll build this world a higher place to place these concepts that I actually have.

Character of the birth of a baby by date

Character of the birth of a baby by date
Date 1: arrogant, however the purpose of the accord isn't reached then despair and may not be repaired by others, be the people's business.

Date 2: variant children and friends, however not all of them loved, forgetful, quickly despair.

Date 3: straightforward and sweet face, her robust however simple to like or affection.

Date 4: his memory sturdy, articulate, lots of excellent things to rely on.

Date 5: articulate, prefer to hurt, angry however rather provide cash or food to individuals, holy, not like wasteful.

On 6: stupid, forgetful, careless, lazy.

On 7: the way to speak, like on an unfaithful lady.

Date 8: street either his thoughts or his thoughts fruit, variant friends, watch out or calculating sensible or unhealthy.

Date 9: hard-hearted, hot-tempered however quickly regained his composure, his thinking is, if the products are sincerely requested.

Date 10: forgetful however intelligent, likes to inform individuals sensible or unhealthy.

Date 11: its broad thinking, acting, and confessed intelligent, be polite.

Date 12: if still less fun, if the correct to talk and may get things done, however rather includes a hidden intention.

Date 13: articulate, precise and ingenious, exhausting heart however solely briefly and rather angry, however conjointly quickly disappear.

Date 14: believe in yourself, sort of a sensible speech, knowing the sacred act of physically and mentally.

15th: his mediocre thinking, bright, talkative sacred, so poet.

Date 16: sloppy, work shy, forgetful and unhealthy.

On 17: lots of friends who approve his opinion, sensible and holy, typically taking under consideration sensible or unhealthy.

On 18: resourceful, articulate, somewhat just like the ladies who typically do oblique.

Date 19: a tough heart, typically angry however solely briefly, prefer to contribute thoughts, food, cash to the fogeys.

Date 20: forgetful, don't prefer to assume, individuals like to receive complaints regarding the great and unhealthy.

On 21: wide his thoughts, likes to fake and claim to grasp sensible manners and sensible character or unhealthy.

On 22: likes to assume, if quiet sensible, if lots of speak right words and lots of true information.

On 23: articulate, precise, lots of sense, however solely briefly angry to assume calmly once more.

24 Date: sacred heart, physically and spiritually, he spoke lots of excellent, broad information.

On 25: lots of sacred speech, his information was, thus letters and everything bright.

On 26: bad, forgetful, careless of his thinking, slackers (those whose hearts are bad).

Of 27: lots of family or relatives, rather united in their work and continuously take under consideration the great or unhealthy.

On 28: the ominous words, talkative, somewhat like an unfaithful lady.

Date 29: a tough heart, ill-tempered however quickly cool, like giving cash or food to individuals.

Date 30: arrogant, several fortunately, if exposed to a giant hurdle isn't a problem for him.

Character of the birth of a baby by week

Character of the birth of a baby by week

WISA marta wicked middle = no harm and there is also a good idea. Domestic animals: monkeys and dogs. Ape character: like climbing, fierce, resourceful, wandering cult, water, although it has been fed is still biting, toying with people, difficult to approach, and given the good. Character of the dog: loyal to his master, great willingness, often survived as loyal to his master, but eats dirty. Salvation is to be done: armpit, which means that international pulp color.

Sumendi: like a king or regent. Pets: a cat and mouse. Nature of the cat: beware, benign, unfortunately if maligned, is difficult unless the suspect has been maligned, can come together with the rich or poor. Nature of the rat: the night guard, watchful, cautious, often confused, a little eating, venomous bite, which quickly bitten to death, people often set traps for him, can do something, always remember the good or bad, of happiness or unfortunately . Salvation is to be done: chicken, meaning all sorts of snacks.

Sandalwood, pets: tiger. Character: always go away, sitting alone, sleeping alone, rarely eat unless the king maintained, lots of enemies, dangerous if preceded but if it is precede not be anything, if it has maintained a weapon, his anger arose because the women, often deceived, if goods are lost rarely returns. Salvation is to be done: cat, meaning rice and fish.

Somahita, west lakuning prophet. Domestic animals: goats. Like her character's advice, not traveling far, you eat a plant that is his own, often angry with his wife or his family, as his master sometimes daring courage which can not be prevented, his fortune was. Character of the prophet, like always followed his advice, his mind at rest. Salvation is to be done: angrem machinations, which means klepon or pancake.

Prabuanom, lor lakuning cormorant, pet animals: cows. Character: benign, up to a rule, should be eating, sloppy, ill-tempered, sometimes raging if whipped, breaking anything, a little searching, but if you eat a meal will not forget his family and his parents, easily vilified because of his thoughts firmly, arrogant. Salvation is to be done: the bull, which means rice golong.

Character by day and hour the baby being born on the day or night

Character by day and hour the baby being born on the day or night
1. Sunday: 2 hours then he tempered: he always acted on the basis of truth
2. Monday: 1 hour then he trusts: dishonest
3. Tuesday: 2 hours then he trusts: do not always suffer from illness or long life
4. Wednesday: 2 hours then he trusts: always get the glory of happiness or life
5. Thursday: 2 hours then he trusts: a loving
6. Friday: 2 hours then he trusts: have a little compassion or love to deviate
7. Saturday: 1 hour then he trusts: do not always suffer from illness or long life.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Character according to the birthday child

Character according to the birthday child
If the baby is born on the day:
1. Sunday
Course of the sun, her bright, sincere in every way for relatives. His hard mind, love of neighbor, scripture and articulate and able to govern a parent.

2. Monday
Circulation of the moon, like the truth, sincere, skillful in all things, his speech can not be mocked.

3. Tuesday
Circulation of the fire, happy to lie, hate people if they have only briefly because it conflicted friend, bored, and quickly abandon everything that is being done.

4. Wednesday
Circulation of the Earth, kindness is sometimes exaggerated, well off, if strictly speaking, a quiet man, rarely think about the consequences.

5. Thursday
Circulation of wind and lightning, his soul mate often die first, frightening speech, difficulty making friends, she thought not sincere, their hearts hot irritability, angry, happy praise, and easily deceived by smooth words.

6. Friday
Circulation of stars, like advising and wretched, like giving, happy to find intelligent, subtle character, love towards his family, many friends who loved him.

7. Saturday
Circulation of water, often despised people, feared, seldom make friends, good at making a living (trade), all work must be carried out, a hard worker.

Livelihood by the birth of a child

Livelihood by the birth of a child
If the child was born on:

Sunday best: farming and carpentry
Monday should be: to work on government
Tuesday should: be a soldier or sailor
Wednesday should be: in the courts or the art of sound
Thursday should be: a poet and farming
Friday should be: trade and farming
Saturday should be: a poet and farming.

Motion of the arrow in the character eneagram FOUR

Motion of the arrow in the character eneagram FOUR
Eneagram movement in motion tend to follow diagram line, which is moving toward the One FOUR on one direction and towards two in the other direction. FOUR A move towards the positive side when they feel confident and aware that they cultivate the sides of a positive nature. FOUR move towards the negative side of the two when in a state of stress. They consciously try to avoid this megatif properties. 

FOUR When moving towards the positive side one, they will: 
a. Become more self-discipline and based on the fact now and here 
b. Do more and become better problem-solving practical 
c. Move more positive and less emphasis on the negative side 
d. Act based on the ideals and principles of a strong 
e. To be less controlled by feelings. 

If FOUR is moving toward the negative side one, they are: 
a. Feel like more criticizing, judgmental, and angry that no one acted properly 
b. All linked with the moral and preachy 
c. Feeling guilty for not living up to their expectations. 

If FOUR is moving toward the negative side of the two, they are: 
a. Trying to manipulate (to engineer) seems to love others in such a way that any of that bunch that love can replace the void FOUR and the loneliness in their hearts 
b. Deny and suppress your own needs 
c. May be a pain for trying to get attention or trying to be special. 

If FOUR is moving toward the positive side two, they are: 
a. Relate to others in ways that are useful 
b. Becomes less confined to himself 
c. Meet the needs of others with a healthy devotion without having to attach to the person where he devoted himself.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wing of the character you FOUR

Wing of the character you FOUR
You personally may be a mixture or a person affected by the type of character that are adjacent to your character. A strong wing can make a big difference in your personal. If a character THREE with character FOUR join the trend that emerges is more extroverted nature, active, ambitious, happy pleasure-loving, and aware of the portraits of their reverie. If the character FOUR coupled with the character of Five tend to be introverted, intelligent, idealistic, reserve (low profile), quiet and depressed.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fill the leisure time of people with character FOUR

Fill the leisure time of people with character FOUR
FOUR enjoy free time with her partner, with her ​​children and maintain a close friendship. He enjoys the atmosphere of nature, the pursuit of spiritual things, attend musical performances, art parties, and literary performances. Many who like to browse through book stores, clothing stores or department stores, the clothes look interesting or different kinds of precious objects. FOUR express themselves creatively. FOUR active in activities related to anti-violence activities.

Jobs and careers they are character-FOUR

Jobs and careers they are character-FOUR

FOUR can inspire, influence, and encourage people through artwork, such as through the poems, novels, writing, or teaching. Many who want to bring out the goodness of the people, by working as a psychologist or counselor. Some of them are proud of the small businesses of their own results. FOUR often accept jobs mediocre to help what he's after, which is the result of creativity.

FOUR as a parent

FOUR as a parent
a. He has helped his children grow up to be what it is. 
b. He supports his creativity and originality. 
c. He was delighted to help children who want to address their own feelings. 
d. He is sometimes too critical and too protective (protecting). 
e. He usually familiar with their children if not too busy with itself.

As children often FOUR

As children often FOUR
a. He has an active imagination, creative play alone or directing friends to play to one type of game. 
b. Very sensitive or sensitive. 
c. He was not fit or not fit. 
d. Thought he was losing something that belongs to someone else. 
e. He was attached to the teachers who have ideals, models, artists, and so forth. 
f. He became anti to the leadership and rebellious when criticized or not understood.
g. He felt lonely and abandoned (perhaps as a result of death or divorce of his parents). 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Positive things that people say THREE character to himself:

Positive things that people say THREE character to himself:
a. I feel the price is at least equal to what I had accomplished.
b. The most lucrative job I can do is take the time to relax and grow.
c. I measure the value of my own with my size.
d. I loved the way they are and not from what I'm doing.

Motion arrows in their character eneagram THREE

Motion arrows in their character eneagram THREE
Follow the motion of the line diagram, which is moving toward SIX THREE in one direction and toward NINE in another direction. THREE SIX move towards the positive side when they feel confident, and they consciously cultivate the sides of a positive nature. THREE moves toward the negative nature of the NINE when under stress. They are consciously trying to avoid the negative properties.

If THREE SIX move towards a positive nature, they will:
a. Spend their free time to get more involved with family and friends.
b. Appreciating what is good of their group.
c. Find more events with a sense of their relationship.
d. Become more open.

If THREE SIX move towards the negative nature of their will:
a. Become independent or free, and fear of rejection.
b. became worried and nervous.
c. be a difficult decision.

If THREE NINE is moving toward a negative nature, they will:
a. Stalling for time and be willing to take a decision.
b. Become apathetic and indifferent.
c. Forget yourself, and maybe careless continue, with more work, drug, food, alcohol, sleeping too long.
d. Works in circles, or become unproductive.
e. Being passive, punishing the aggressive, which makes them see their shortcomings.

If THREE NINE is moving toward a positive nature, they will:
a. Become loose, relax, and feel more peaceful.
b. Become more understanding.
c. Begin to see life from a broad point of view.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

You are mild-wing THREE

You are mild-wing THREE
Your personality tendencies may be influenced by the nature of people on your side. A strong wing can make your personal character into another one. When coupled with the character THREE TWO-wing character is likely to grow warmer, more exchange, more social, popular, and can also force. When coupled with the character THREE FOUR wing character is more likely to look to itself (introspection), sensitive, artistic talent, a strong imagination, and pretend.

Fill the leisure time of people with character THREE

Fill the leisure time of people with character THREE
If he has free time, they are pretty much filled with character THREE enjoy social work or join a group of charities or political campaigns. Some of them to fill his free time with hobbies and projects. Quite a lot of the character they are also happy to hold THREE bodybuilding exercises to keep it in good shape.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jobs and careers of people with character THREE

Jobs and careers of people with character THREE
In the work, THREE people like to work hard to get to the target and pull the trigger. He is mostly located in the ranks of leadership in the work, law, banking, computers, and politics. Line of work as a broadcaster and the holder of a role he also enjoys. The more he focused on the nature of love to help then he will tend to favor areas of teaching, social services or medical fields. He also foster a sense of comfort by placing power in the sense of responsibility.

As a parent with character THREE

As a parent with character THREE
- It will be consistent and responsible in the establishment, trustworthy, and loyal
- He will wrestle with the desire among his children, as well as the desire to gain more jobs
- He expects his children to live responsibly and regularly.

As a child she often tempered THREE

As a child she often tempered THREE
- Trying hard to get credit for his success
- Liked by friends and adults
- They were among the children who capably and responsibly in the classroom or school
- They are active in the public schools and associations, or quietly busy on their own projects.

Positive things that people say TWO character to himself

Positive things that people say TWO character to himself
- I was just as important to others
- Important for me to receive love and help as much as I give to someone else
- Will I say what I want
- I do not need to give yourself to love others
- Important to give enough time for myself.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Eneagram motion arrows in the character of TWO

Eneagram motion arrows in the character of TWO

Direction of the arrow character eneagram TWO people move toward their character on one side and FOUR to EIGHT character direction on the other side. Character will be heading for TWO FOUR character when he was in a healthy, confident, and sure. They consciously cultivate a healthy temperaments.

Conversely, people with character TWO FOUR move toward a positive character, they are:
a. Recognize and accept their partners who were injured, including the receipt of anger, sadness, and loneliness
b. Express themselves more creatively and with a gentle nature of an artist to explore the spiritual side of life
c. More to say what they need, including saying things that do not will not desired
d. Finding the source of personal self worth from other aspects, in addition to the attitude of helpfulness
e. Trying to feel alone, and a more contemplative life

If the character of TWO moving toward the negative side of the character of FOUR, they are:
a. The tendency will compare themselves with others, complaining and envy
b. Become immersed in self-

If the character of TWO moving toward the negative side of the character EIGHT, they tend to:
a. Stop being a soft-hearted and interesting, annoying, and a sharp attack
b. Being loud, can not be trusted and outs
c. Blaming others and demanding
d. Control, trying to distract everyone and everything

If the character of TWO moving towards the positive side of the character EIGHT, they tend to:
a. Feel more confident and powerful
b. Being honest and forthright
c. Become less concerned about the opinion of the mind (opinions) of others.

You are mild-wing TWO

You are mild-wing TWO
As a person with character TWO personal tendencies may be influenced by the type of character that are adjacent to your character. A strong wing can make a big difference in your personal. Those with a mild-tempered TWO ONE-wing tends to lead to a more idealistic, objective, critical of others, and judge. When paired with THREE wings tend to be more confident, ambitious, working out and competing.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fill the leisure time of people with character TWO

Fill the leisure time of people with character TWO
If there spare time, people will enjoy character TWO tendency of social relationships with family or friends, caring for children, make a family atmosphere in their homes warm and alluring. He will also spare time to caring for the garden, read, work on social organization, seeking to experience life outside the home, and reflect on spiritual life. He will also fill his spare time to care for appearances carefully.

Jobs and careers of people with character TWO

Jobs and careers of people with character TWO
Is the career field of the occupied people with character TWO? Tendency they will pursue a career field related to the human sphere. For example, many of them working as a counselor, teacher, and worked in the health sector. For those who are extroverted, sometimes going out for a career that supports a lot of attention, such as actress, film actor, plays, and gives motivational speaker. Quite a few also who pursue a career as a sales promotion, receptionist, secretary, interior stylists, and wardrobe consultant.

TWO as a parent

TWO as a parent
a. The tendency is he a good listener, loves children unconditionally, full of warmth, love and encourage support. However, it would suffer if he did not mind
b. He would love to play with the kids
c. He would ask myself "What am I doing right?", "Did I give enough?", "Am I broken up beyond repair?"
d. He can be a very protective parent or child protection.

As a child she often tempered TWO

As a child she often tempered TWO
a. He is very sensitive to disapproval and criticism
b. He tried hard to please their parents, help and understanding
c. He looked from the outside easily join the will of others
d. He was popular or try to do popular with other children
e. He acts coy, precious, or dramatic to get attention
f. He was like a comedian and a clown. With a note that he was in extroverted. However, if the conditions of introversion, the tendency was calm, quiet and shy.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Positive things that you (the ONE character) say to yourself:

Positive things that you (the ONE character) say to yourself:
- Ok take time to relax and enjoy
- I'm still ok even though I made ​​a mistake
- I've learned not to treat yourself too seriously
- I remain perfect in the way that I do
- I would ask what I want and I need.

The things that were unimaginable by ONE character to do it:

The things that were unimaginable by ONE character to do it:
- Half an hour late to work
- Do not send birthday cards in exchange for more than two days
- Do not make a backup for every night in their vacation time
- Let them pile up dirty clothes and their dishes are not washed away during the week
- To laugh when criticized
- Eat with your elbows on the table and that was using up his sleeves to clean the mouth
- With a relaxing bath right at the time the guests will come from around the house to set up and clean it again.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Motion of the arrow in the character ENEAGRAM ONE

Motion of the arrow in the character ENEAGRAM ONE
In the following lines eneagram, ONE character people tend to move in the direction of the character Seven of the one side, and the direction of the character on the other FOUR. People who move into their character ONE SEVEN character is in the right direction, with a note when he feels confident or steady. He will be aware that it will still maintain the quality aspects of a positive nature. ONE person with character will move toward the negative, those with character FOUR. This occurs when a person is under stress ONE character. He does this with a conscious effort to try to avoid negative tendencies that could happen.

ONE if the character moves toward the positive side of the character SEVEN, what happened:
a. They are less self-critical and more able to accept.
b. They become more enthusiastic and optimistic.
c. They apply a more natural and spontaneous.
d. They shift the attitude of the valuable things worse in a situation, the next move in the direction that is worth a ride on the other side.
e. They plan more activities are simple and pleasant things.

ONE character if the person moves toward the negative side of their character SEVEN, they will:
a. Self-destruction through self rape or viscous behavior out of line.

ONE if the character moves toward the negative side of their character FOUR of character, they will:
a. Their hearts would be wrong because they hope they can not fulfill.
b. Turned their anger inward on their own and they become depressed (depressed).
c. Loss of confidence or feeling unloved and unattractive.
d. Do not want what they have and feel desperate hope to get it.

ONE if the character moves toward the positive side of their character FOUR, they will:
a. Tried to relate to their deepest feelings.
b. Involved in the creative and artistic work.

You are mild-wing ONE

You are mild-wing ONE
Personal or mixed may be influenced by the type of those who are disebelahmu. A strong wing can result in major differences in the personal.

TWO ONE with wings, which are more developed tend to be warm, like a lot more helpful, critical, and control the other party. NINE ONE with wings, more developed, tend to be cooler, more relaxed, objective, and familiar.

Comments about their character ONE

Comments about their character ONE
1. "My staff is very efficient. If he can not finish its work at the office, he would take it home. Suppose he should be out of work I had to hire two people to replace him".

2. "My friend quit his job because his boss wanted him to do something unethical. He is sticking to his principles and will never sacrifice its moral. He did just what he says".

3. "My best friend of a teacher with ONE character. Weight for him to decide and read every word of every paper, and wrote all the criticism. The students loved him because he is very interesting, inspiring, honest and fair".

4. "If I need help for something, he is always ready to lend a hand. He remains present until the job is completed".

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Leisure character of ONE

Fill his spare time some people ONE character will be rescue workers and the environment through groups like Greenpeace or engage in humanitarian activities (eg co-deal with the problem of abortion). ONE often work outside. In terms of health it will be strictly on a diet for health, and would feel guilty if you do not do it. Much time is used to help a friend or family. They are ONE character as a student or students are usually very good boy.

Leisure character of ONE

Jobs and careers of ONE character

Jobs and careers of ONE character
They are inherently efficient ONE has a tendency to live, neatly organized, and always finish the task. ONE high-power analysis. ONE person with character is found in the work of leadership, science, and law enforcement. ONE increasingly oriented to humans, he will be involved in the work areas of health, education, and spiritual guidance. This is understandable because he was doing his job with profersional, and ethical ways of working. People who find it easy to ONE character to the task as engineers, surgeons, bankers, and warehouse supervisor.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

As children and parents ONE

As children and parents ONE
As children often ONE
a. ONE own self-criticism, in anticipation of criticism that comes from other people to it.
b. Refrain from doing things that might not work perfectly.
c. Focusing on the expectations of his parents and his teachers.
d. Hold negative emotions in the liver because the assumption (the "good boy should not be angry").
e. He is very responsible, and can be expected to act as parents.

As children and parents ONE
ONE as a parent
a. Doing responsibility and moral values ​​to their children.
b. Very consistent and fair.
c. Strict discipline.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

like and hard the character nine

things like the character nine
a. The nature of non-judgmental and able to accept others
like and hard the character nine
b. Caring for and caring for others
c. Can apply to relax and enjoy life day by day
d. Properties realized that many people happy in the friendship, and it is easy to get along
e. The ability to see different sides of an issue, a mediator, and facilitator of good
f. Awareness on matters of sensation (stimulus), aesthetics, and feelings of the time now and here
g. Have the ability to follow the trend and feel at one with nature

like and hard the character nine
It is hard for the character NINE
a. If tried as hard to understand because it is difficult to change, and difficult decisions
b. Criticize themselves for lack of initiative and lack of discipline
c. Too sensitive to criticism, so take care of every frown and scolding mouth
d. Really confused about what she wants
like and hard the character nine
e. Really care about what others think of him
f. Not listened to his words or if he was not considered serious.
like and hard the character nine

Friendly and get along with the character of NINE

Friendly and get along with the character of NINE
The best and worst trait friendships with people with character NINE, as follows:
The best character traits NINE
a. Good-hearted person
b. like to affirm
c. provide support
d. Always loyal, faithful
e. People do not like to judge

Friendly and get along with the character of NINE
The worst character traits NINE
a. He was a stubborn
b. Sometimes passive, sometimes aggressive
c. It's hard to be convinced
d. Excessive adjustment
e. There is a tendency defensive.
Friendly and get along with the character of NINE
Friendly and get along with the character of NINE

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ways of dealing with people in character NINE

Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
a. If you want him to do something, the way you ask the important thing for him. He is most displeased if not anything has been overshadowed by a certain expectation or pressure
b. He enjoys listening and glad to be able to help others, but do not take advantage of the situation
c. Listen to him to finish speaking though he was talking about inferior materials
d. Give him enough time to complete the work and make decisions. Ok if you will remind him gently and do not give ratings
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
e. Ask questions to help him achieve clarity of purpose
f. Say if you feel good about her appearance. He does not reject a seduction
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
g. Give her a hug, show your love is real (physical) to him, because that would open up his feelings
h. He was pleased with a good discussion, but rather something that is confrontational
i. Tell if you are pleased with what she is doing, or what he says
j. Laugh with him and follow the way he enjoyed taking part in this life.
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE

Friday, January 27, 2012

People who have NINE

People who have NINE nature tend to require a sense of peace and maintain a sense of peace is. He avoids conflict, and tend to take up a position with someone else. If it does the job, he reached out my time. Nine temperament owner took another eight character types. Therefore, NINE character has many shades. Ranging from soft shades of personality and behavior are soft, to the personal style of an independent and strong force. Here are the best and worst characteristics of people with character NINE.

People who have NINE
The best character traits NINE
a. He was a fun
b. give priority to peace
c. generous
d. patient
e. Easy to understand (peace)
People who have NINE
f. diplomatically
g. His view is open
h. empathy

People who have NINE
The worst character traits NINE
a. Like to take distance
b. like to forget
c. stubborn
d. Easily obsessed (burned)
e. Apathy (not caring)
f. Passive-aggressive
g. like to hear
h. It's hard to convince.
People who have NINE