Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ways of dealing with people in character NINE

Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
a. If you want him to do something, the way you ask the important thing for him. He is most displeased if not anything has been overshadowed by a certain expectation or pressure
b. He enjoys listening and glad to be able to help others, but do not take advantage of the situation
c. Listen to him to finish speaking though he was talking about inferior materials
d. Give him enough time to complete the work and make decisions. Ok if you will remind him gently and do not give ratings
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
e. Ask questions to help him achieve clarity of purpose
f. Say if you feel good about her appearance. He does not reject a seduction
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
g. Give her a hug, show your love is real (physical) to him, because that would open up his feelings
h. He was pleased with a good discussion, but rather something that is confrontational
i. Tell if you are pleased with what she is doing, or what he says
j. Laugh with him and follow the way he enjoyed taking part in this life.
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE

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