Saturday, February 11, 2012

Eneagram motion arrows in the character of TWO

Eneagram motion arrows in the character of TWO

Direction of the arrow character eneagram TWO people move toward their character on one side and FOUR to EIGHT character direction on the other side. Character will be heading for TWO FOUR character when he was in a healthy, confident, and sure. They consciously cultivate a healthy temperaments.

Conversely, people with character TWO FOUR move toward a positive character, they are:
a. Recognize and accept their partners who were injured, including the receipt of anger, sadness, and loneliness
b. Express themselves more creatively and with a gentle nature of an artist to explore the spiritual side of life
c. More to say what they need, including saying things that do not will not desired
d. Finding the source of personal self worth from other aspects, in addition to the attitude of helpfulness
e. Trying to feel alone, and a more contemplative life

If the character of TWO moving toward the negative side of the character of FOUR, they are:
a. The tendency will compare themselves with others, complaining and envy
b. Become immersed in self-

If the character of TWO moving toward the negative side of the character EIGHT, they tend to:
a. Stop being a soft-hearted and interesting, annoying, and a sharp attack
b. Being loud, can not be trusted and outs
c. Blaming others and demanding
d. Control, trying to distract everyone and everything

If the character of TWO moving towards the positive side of the character EIGHT, they tend to:
a. Feel more confident and powerful
b. Being honest and forthright
c. Become less concerned about the opinion of the mind (opinions) of others.

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