Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Character of the birth of a baby by week

Character of the birth of a baby by week

WISA marta wicked middle = no harm and there is also a good idea. Domestic animals: monkeys and dogs. Ape character: like climbing, fierce, resourceful, wandering cult, water, although it has been fed is still biting, toying with people, difficult to approach, and given the good. Character of the dog: loyal to his master, great willingness, often survived as loyal to his master, but eats dirty. Salvation is to be done: armpit, which means that international pulp color.

Sumendi: like a king or regent. Pets: a cat and mouse. Nature of the cat: beware, benign, unfortunately if maligned, is difficult unless the suspect has been maligned, can come together with the rich or poor. Nature of the rat: the night guard, watchful, cautious, often confused, a little eating, venomous bite, which quickly bitten to death, people often set traps for him, can do something, always remember the good or bad, of happiness or unfortunately . Salvation is to be done: chicken, meaning all sorts of snacks.

Sandalwood, pets: tiger. Character: always go away, sitting alone, sleeping alone, rarely eat unless the king maintained, lots of enemies, dangerous if preceded but if it is precede not be anything, if it has maintained a weapon, his anger arose because the women, often deceived, if goods are lost rarely returns. Salvation is to be done: cat, meaning rice and fish.

Somahita, west lakuning prophet. Domestic animals: goats. Like her character's advice, not traveling far, you eat a plant that is his own, often angry with his wife or his family, as his master sometimes daring courage which can not be prevented, his fortune was. Character of the prophet, like always followed his advice, his mind at rest. Salvation is to be done: angrem machinations, which means klepon or pancake.

Prabuanom, lor lakuning cormorant, pet animals: cows. Character: benign, up to a rule, should be eating, sloppy, ill-tempered, sometimes raging if whipped, breaking anything, a little searching, but if you eat a meal will not forget his family and his parents, easily vilified because of his thoughts firmly, arrogant. Salvation is to be done: the bull, which means rice golong.

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