Friday, February 17, 2012

Motion arrows in their character eneagram THREE

Motion arrows in their character eneagram THREE
Follow the motion of the line diagram, which is moving toward SIX THREE in one direction and toward NINE in another direction. THREE SIX move towards the positive side when they feel confident, and they consciously cultivate the sides of a positive nature. THREE moves toward the negative nature of the NINE when under stress. They are consciously trying to avoid the negative properties.

If THREE SIX move towards a positive nature, they will:
a. Spend their free time to get more involved with family and friends.
b. Appreciating what is good of their group.
c. Find more events with a sense of their relationship.
d. Become more open.

If THREE SIX move towards the negative nature of their will:
a. Become independent or free, and fear of rejection.
b. became worried and nervous.
c. be a difficult decision.

If THREE NINE is moving toward a negative nature, they will:
a. Stalling for time and be willing to take a decision.
b. Become apathetic and indifferent.
c. Forget yourself, and maybe careless continue, with more work, drug, food, alcohol, sleeping too long.
d. Works in circles, or become unproductive.
e. Being passive, punishing the aggressive, which makes them see their shortcomings.

If THREE NINE is moving toward a positive nature, they will:
a. Become loose, relax, and feel more peaceful.
b. Become more understanding.
c. Begin to see life from a broad point of view.

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