Monday, February 20, 2012

Character according to the birthday child

Character according to the birthday child
If the baby is born on the day:
1. Sunday
Course of the sun, her bright, sincere in every way for relatives. His hard mind, love of neighbor, scripture and articulate and able to govern a parent.

2. Monday
Circulation of the moon, like the truth, sincere, skillful in all things, his speech can not be mocked.

3. Tuesday
Circulation of the fire, happy to lie, hate people if they have only briefly because it conflicted friend, bored, and quickly abandon everything that is being done.

4. Wednesday
Circulation of the Earth, kindness is sometimes exaggerated, well off, if strictly speaking, a quiet man, rarely think about the consequences.

5. Thursday
Circulation of wind and lightning, his soul mate often die first, frightening speech, difficulty making friends, she thought not sincere, their hearts hot irritability, angry, happy praise, and easily deceived by smooth words.

6. Friday
Circulation of stars, like advising and wretched, like giving, happy to find intelligent, subtle character, love towards his family, many friends who loved him.

7. Saturday
Circulation of water, often despised people, feared, seldom make friends, good at making a living (trade), all work must be carried out, a hard worker.

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