Thursday, December 22, 2011



People who type character achievers have a tendency to live passionately, live always optimistic, confident, and actions directed at something that will be achieved. This character type is also called motivators. Type motivator can be found at the top of American companies and Japan. People who have these types of workaholic who usually is very obsessed with efficiency. He tends to determine the target height and works very efficiently in order to achieve success. If I need not hesitate to override the interests of families and even health. Not infrequently this creates an impact on the work environment, it demands the same level of commitment to subordinates. And with the demands that are sometimes "tortured" people around him, he just stress. The type of person is kind of this nature should have a standard for measuring work capacity without having to be connected to the purpose, efficiency, or a successful company. It would be great in work behavior to include elements of self honesty and compassion for others. When you are able to see the greatness of him, they will not be considered subordinate to mere means of achieving goals.

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