Sunday, December 25, 2011



Fill his spare time some people ONE character will be rescue workers and the environment through groups like Greenpeace, or look in humanitarian activities (eg co-deal with the problem of abortion). ONE often work outside. In terms of health it will be strictly on a diet for health, and would feel guilty if you do not do it. Much time is used to help a friend or family. They are ONE character as a student usually a good boy once.


Employment and Career

Employment and Career

They are inherently efficient ONE has a tendency to live, neatly organized, and always finish the task. ONE high-power analysis. ONE person with character is found in the work of leadership, science, and law enforcement. ONE increasingly oriented to humans, he will be involved in the work areas of health, education, and spiritual guidance. This is understandable because he was doing his job with a professional, and ethical ways of working. People who find it easy to ONE character to the task as engineers, surgeons, bankers, and warehouse supervisor.

Employment and Career

ONE being a parent

ONE being a parent

a. Teach responsibility and moral values ​​to their children
b. Very consistent and fair
c. strictly disciplined

ONE being a parent

As a child she often tempered ONE

As a child she often tempered ONE

a. ONE own self-criticism, in anticipation of criticism that comes from other people told him
b. Refrain from doing things that might not work perfectly
c. Focusing his life on his parents and his teachers hope
d. Hold negative emotions in the heart because they supposition (good boy should not be angry)
e. He is very responsible, and can be expected to act as parents.

It is hard for people with character ONE

It is hard for people with character ONE

a. Disappointed in yourself and by others if expectations are not met ONE
b. Feel burdened with too many responsibilities
c. ONE thought that what do is never good enough
d. Feeling unappreciated ONE about what has been done for others
e. Became angry because others do not try hard to do according to what ONE
f. Being too anxious and concerned with being and should do ONE
g. Often become tense, worried, and seeing things too seriously.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Things like the character ONE

Things like the character ONE

- Discipline yourself and able to achieve much
- Working hard to make this world a better place
- Have high standards, ethical, and uncompromising with himself
- Rational, responsible, and dedicated to what is being done
- Being able to combine the facts to be intact, until the clear understanding that form the picture of a solution (problem solving) the wise
- Being a master for himself and make others to be accomplished as well.

Friendly and get along with ONE character

Friendly and get along with ONE character

ONE The best properties in the mix is loyal person, full of devotion (dedikatif), sensitive, and helpful. He really has a balanced attitude and a sense of humor.
ONE of the most ugly trait in the association is like to be critics, arguments, do not easily give in, and do not have a compromise.

Ways of dealing with people tempered ONE

Ways of dealing with people tempered ONE
a. Follow wants ONE, wants to take part in the ONE does not need to put an end to all his work.
b. Acknowledge your successes.
c. ONE hard on himself.
d. What do ONE good courage.
e. Tell them that you appreciate the advice of ONE.
f. Be honest and fulfill ONE of attention as expected.
g. Said sorry if you forget or neglect. It will facilitate the ONE in your forgiveness.
h. Gently push ONE to have fun, and laugh at yourself when ONE ONE nervous, but listen to the concerns ONE first.

The worst character traits ONE

The worst character traits ONE

1. judgmental
2. not bend
3. dogmatic
4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
5. Others criticize
6. too serious
7. control
8. worry
9. The nature of envy.

The best character traits ONE

The best character traits ONE
1. ethical
2. trusted
3. productive
4. wise
5. idealist
6. Fair, fair
7. honest
8. neat
9. self-discipline

one character

one character

One character, the tendency of the way its being driven by the need to live the right way, including the repair itself, and the world around him alive.

There are three central character

There are three central character

1. Character is centered on the heart or feelings
Those who tend to be centered on the character or feelings of the heart is of type:

2. Character based on the mind or the mind
They are character-centered tendency of mind or the mind is the type:
Questionnaire (SIX CHARACTER)

3. Character is centered in the stomach (anger or instinct)
They are character-centered tendency of the stomach (anger or instinct) is of type:
Perfectionist (ONE CHARACTER).

Friday, December 23, 2011


Peacemaker type of people who have a tendency to accept disposition easy, good-hearted, and rather support the principle of life. He preferred to seek unity with other people and surrounding communities. He avoids conflict alive. Therefore, he called a peace-loving people with character. This is evident from his personality that does not like competition. He always tried to be calm and peaceful environment. However, due to always avoid conflict, his attitude became ewuh pakewuh against anyone. He was not able to express their opinions in a clear and transparent. As a result, people often can not see his point. In fact, such behavior will only lead to trouble. With a carriage that is too low self-esteem, he felt he was not so mean and insignificant for others. The absence of a strong self-confidence tends to make it expects others to motivate themselves. Such personal need to be encouraged to realize that his precious human. His eyes must be open to the outside world more widely. In addition, it should also fostered a courage to face the conflict. Thus, he dared to say what they want even though sometimes cause conflicts.


Asserter type of people who have a tendency to temper like frank, direct, as it is, and high confidence. Size of the association is something that benefit themselves and protective. This is the type of leadership character. He is a person endowed with the power and ability to influence others, but tend to appear "cruel" to the world around him. He did not want to compromise with what has been believed. If you hold the power can be dangerous because it tends to be authoritarian. On the one hand she is obsessed with justice. He prides himself as an "owner" of justice. Sticking to the truth which he believed, he struggled to correct the injustices that exist in their environment. On the other hand, persistence instill fairness to the other party to close his ears to listen to other people's opinions are different. As a result, often entangled in many conflicts. So, to prevent the victim from the "trap" which he created himself, he must learn to understand and have compassion for others. He who realizes his own weakness it will naturally become stronger, without having to repress or frighten others by force.


Adventurer type of people who have a tendency to live passionate temperament, lively, and optimistic. He wanted to produce something for the world. This type is often called the type of character antusiasistis because it always be optimistic about the future even though in poor condition. He will try his best to avoid stress. But if the situation worsens, he slammed the steering easily, choose another job that is considered better. Although his life was not always successful, he had to accept failure or suffering. Such people should be trained to be able to receive pain or failure, so he will not fall into the obsession continued success. Courage to face the challenge needs to be cultivated. Clearly he must have failed in the real world. Javanese proverb says, jer basuki mawa bea (welfare need to sacrifice), suitable to hold on life. With this realization he could become a useful worker and greater achievement.

character of the six

character of the six
People who have a tendency temperament questionnaire type responsible, trustworthy person, and have loyalty to family life. Often also called type character loyalists. Because of this, he generally trustworthy, honest, acting in accordance with the laws and norms. Demeanor tends to be careful and always worried. This feeling is carried on in the job. Usually he is haunted by a sense of fear and anxiety, lest he make a mistake. If anxiety is not controlled, usually he is not able to make decisions or act according to the will. People who need this kind of personality have great confidence in its environment. If I can be convinced that he has a relationship that can be trusted, slowly anxiety will disappear and he was able to achieve better performance than usual.

Five character

Five character

People who type observers have a tendency to temper the great need for knowledge. He is introverted, inquisitive nature that will most everything, likes to analyze everything, and have in-depth view of everything. Often also called type thinker. Usually people are smart, analytical thinking and decisive, but the poor in the association. Let alone should take the time to exchange thoughts or feelings with others, attention only on the field and too hard in the pursuit of science. Unfortunately, though no doubt intellectual, he was lazy to work. Language of nature to no action, talking only, namely NATO. People say talking heads, not working. How to overcome this weakness is that he must take the initiative action. This is logical because to be able to find out what had happened, one must engage in it. However the reality of life would not be understood simply by observation alone. He needs to learn to take the initiative to identify, interact with others, and able to control emotions. Thus, he will find wisdom and strength that he had always avoided.

Thursday, December 22, 2011



Romantic type of people who have a tendency to temper high sensitive feelings, relationships full of warmth, and understanding. This type of character is often called an individualist, the person who always puts the uniqueness of self, creativity, and emotion at the highest level. Seeing himself as a human being different from others, he is not happy with the things that are mediocre. To him everyone should have a uniqueness that stands out. He is obsessed with his own work is unique so close themselves prefer to work cooperatively with others. People like that if given the freedom to tend to solidarity and even isolated from the surrounding environment. Well, to be rid of the "world" is narrow, in addition to optimally utilize its uniqueness, he also must learn to accept diversity. The world is full of differences. If only everyone's life pivots on itself and forget about relationships with people around it, eventually it will experience loneliness.



People who type character achievers have a tendency to live passionately, live always optimistic, confident, and actions directed at something that will be achieved. This character type is also called motivators. Type motivator can be found at the top of American companies and Japan. People who have these types of workaholic who usually is very obsessed with efficiency. He tends to determine the target height and works very efficiently in order to achieve success. If I need not hesitate to override the interests of families and even health. Not infrequently this creates an impact on the work environment, it demands the same level of commitment to subordinates. And with the demands that are sometimes "tortured" people around him, he just stress. The type of person is kind of this nature should have a standard for measuring work capacity without having to be connected to the purpose, efficiency, or a successful company. It would be great in work behavior to include elements of self honesty and compassion for others. When you are able to see the greatness of him, they will not be considered subordinate to mere means of achieving goals.



People who have a tendency helper type character is very concerned with the environment, like reinforcing or encouraging, and sensitive to the needs of others. This is the type of person who likes to help his character. Type of helper is a person who is very friendly, attentive, and willing to serve others. However, when it comes to being disappointed or criticized for meddling too much, he will be angry. Subconscious is always haunted by the fear of wasted from the environment. That's why he tried to make life meaningful for others. Although obviously not demand remuneration, in fact he expects attention, at least a recognition of what he did for others. Type the character of this kind should be made ​​aware that helping others can be done without having to sacrifice self-interest. Him should be inculcated sense, business goals must be done in its own way, without the need to manipulate others, with a variety of assistance.


Perfectionist type of person who tends to be realistic character, has a sensitive conscience, and has a strong life principles. Those people who like to fight for something that weighs high ideals. This character type is the type of character worker. He described the people who are always chasing perfection. He usually notice everything up as much detail-detail. He does not easily give up although they had to bear heavy loads. However, due to demand any other person must also be perfect as he was then the tendency is to find fault. In his office he became very sensitive to errors or unfair treatment from his superiors. To free ourselves from the obsession with perfection, he needs to learn the concept of growth, it can also grow and approach the perfection it slowly. Through the growth process, he can treat yourself or others around him better.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The nature of people born in December

The nature of people born in December
- Best stature than children who were born in other months
- Faithful
- Both the liver
- Patriot-inclined
- Nice to compete in all respects
- Active
- To maintain the organizations that followed
- Honesty
- Farsighted
- Polite and gentle
- Got lots of ideas
- Voters and always wants the best
- Humorous and fun joking
- Clever arguing
- Always have someone to think about
- Friendly and jaunty
- Do not be impatient and rush
- Fun to talk to but hard to understand
- It takes quite a long time to recover from heartache
- Strong character, a lover of music, pretty or handsome
- Good grooming, ambitious, sensitive
- Dreamer, easily hurt, easily affected by flu
- Easily bored, talkative, emotionally flat

The nature of people born in November

The nature of people born in November

- Can be trusted
- Faithful
- Have a strong personality
- Be Happy
- Full of passion
- Know how to have fun
- Section
- Independent
- Stunning many people with the beauty inside and out
- Like to be funny
- Easy to adapt
- Like many people associate with
- Very Smart
- Not so fond of crowds
- If you want a relationship with the November do not hesitate because should be proud to be maintained
- Sometimes being wild
- Mysterious and secretive
- Usually a very emotional

The nature of people born in October

The nature of people born in October

- Always the same care for anyone who likes him
- Got inner beauty
- Physical is also good
- Fair
- Assuming your friends are important
- Brave
- Easily hurt but recover easily
- Smart
- Got a tough stance
- Always wanted to be friends
- Hobbies chat
- Sometimes like talking but do not like to pretend
- Often get angry
- Dreamer
- Less able to control emotions
- It can not be predictable

The nature of people born in September

The nature of people born in September
- Active and lots of motion
- Attractive
- Full of love
- Mentally strong
- Likes attention
- Can solve the problem
- Brave
- Friendly
- Adventurers
- Usually have many friends
- His memory strong
- Motivator
- Enjoy travel
- Section but who could see her sexuality is her boyfriend
- Diplomatic
- In a hurry
- Emotional
- Stubborn

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The nature of people born in August

The nature of people born in August

- Friendly
- Like to take risks
- Both the liver
- Self-confidence
- Bustling
- Fun to chat
- His behavior really good
- Like the music and singing
- Hate that is not trusted
- warrior
- Like to be funny
- Great curiosity
- Independent
- Have a strong desire
- Attract the liver
- Need attention
- Do not have self control
- Very vindictive
- Dreamer
- Easy to feel disturbed
- Do not like learning
- Need of freedom
- rebels
- Mysterious
- Stubborn

The nature of people born in July

The nature of people born in July

- Honesty
- Relax, but be really excited if someone caught his eye
- Have a good reputation
- Easily entertained
- honest
- Care for each others' feelings
- Tactical
- Friendly but also a loner type
- Moody
- Smart jokes
- Not the type of vindictive
- Forgiving but not easy to forget
- Lovalable
- Assumes all people are equal
- Hard worker
- Always remember the past and old friends
- Nice if you loved a lot of people
- Like a secret
- Difficult to understand
- Proud same self
- It's hard to guess
- Emotional
- Sensitive
- His heart is easily injured and difficult to recover

The nature of people born in June

The nature of people born in June

- His personality, including the best
- It's fun to be everywhere
- Friendly
- Superb
- Like it really a partner (boyfriend) of vigorous
- Many who have a collection of tapes in large quantities
- Smart really picking movies to watch
- Gifted to be an actor or actress
- Like having a new friend
- Ladies' man

The nature of people born in May

The nature of people born in May

- Have strong motivation and desire
- Intelligent
- Often the center of attention and is often considered the
- Beautiful or handsome outside in
- Strong
- Easy to please
- The left brain is more powerful
- Understanding
- Strong resonances
- Have a good physical
- Loves literature and art
- Enjoy travel
- Hard worker
- Have a high spirit
- Shy as the opposite sex
- Stubborn and hard-hearted
- Easy to anger
- Dreamer
- Easy to pain in the ear and neck
- Not so rather stay home too long
- Restlessness
- Usually do not have children

Monday, December 19, 2011

The nature of people born in April

The nature of people born in April

- Can be compromised
- Funny and harmonious
- Calm
- Both the heart and sympathetic
- Ways of thinking detail
- Attention
- Able to compromise
- Self-confidence really
- The behavior is worthy to be praised
- His mind was always filled with good things
- Have a sharp memory
- Clever and insightful
- Lovers of information (including infotaimen)
- Heating the atmosphere can really create a friend's apartment laughing
- A good motivator
- Understanding and friendly
- Popular
- Like lebay
- Stubborn
- Like really talk
- Sensitive

The nature of people born in March

The nature of people born in March
- Attractive
- Section
- honest
- Generous
- Sympathetic
- Can be trusted
- Appreciate the goodness of people
- Like it off steam
- Faithful
- Prefers peace
- Shy
- Like secretive
- Sensitive
- Great kisser (a quick search for a boyfriend who was born in March)
- Emotions easy ride

The nature of people born in February

The nature of people born in February 
- Smart and intellect
- Attractive
- Section
- Humility
- Honest and loyal
- Have a clear purpose in life
- Do not like things that are not important
- Like friends but rarely shows his feelings
- Like the challenge
- Romantic
- Funny
- skip
- Abstract mind (imagine things like that are not clear)
- Loves reality and abstract things
- Like fickle
- Easy really angry but not shown
- Quiet and shy
- Likes the freedom
- Aggressive
- Too sensitive and easily hurt
- Stubborn
- Ambitious
- Flashy
- Believe superstitious
- Always wanted to show his emotions
- Loves entertainment and fun



- Usually does handsome or beautiful
- Rarely showing emotion (flat like a wall)
- Humility
- Seneng pake really dressed up and nice clothes
- I'm bored
- Nagging
- It took a long time to restore a sense of hurt
- Sensitive
- Stubborn

Sunday, December 18, 2011



Glad to imitate (the bandwagon) and trust in others. Less impatient and easily bored, but no sense of jealousy. Because his heart honest and diligent. When the work he had his own ways other than others. He had a broad view about anything. Usually awarded longevity and staying healthy. Very talented in the arts of music and other arts. When you want to learn the art can achieve the degree. If you already love the size, but when it's hard to hate to be invited to peace. December clever woman, set the household. His heart is honest and innocent, when the promise should be kept. He longed for truth and justice.



Clever of all affairs. Can withstand all the passions. Speech interesting and could affect the people, he likes the beauty of the world, happy well-dressed, like praise, could be writers, painters, lawyers, and doctors. Likes to hoard work that ultimately can not be resolved. Can work well if you get a compliment, because basically it like praise. He actually lazy and happy gossiping people. Can get a big profit if given the large and difficult job. He is quite clever and sweet. He also encourages talented fiction. Wasteful with money, love traveling and brothers. If it will start a company should begin to open in January or July and Tuesday morning.



Articulate and considerate. When working alone can be successful but when others come join he gets confused. He wants to help people who loved, but against those who hated it even insulting. If women are less impatient, be patient once, when on his favorite people. Generally wasteful if holding money. But talented in music. Sharp mind, can understand the thoughts of others. Glad to dress nice things without measuring its own merits. Can live in harmony with his enemies and his family, if you set a good will. When the work is not going to be forced to others, if not his own will.


Its honest, love of neighbor and a good mind and character, so that people respected. Pleased with the rules of good. Have the talent to be a teacher and good at the music and educate children. Good at keeping secrets and personal secrets of others. The man who was born in the month of September could be a drug expert, journalist, and orator. Nice to save money and are happy to spend money to calm her. But he was generous, often looking for entertainment recreation. Cheerful disposition, so that he seemed ageless. But he likes to eat and drink are exceedingly limits. His brain is intelligent and often a lot of profit.

Friday, December 16, 2011



His heart was kind and humble towards the family, relatives, and neighbors. High-strung and easily amused. Aiming his inner noble birth, had a great power. Could be trusted in the field of trade. Usually can live long, but should be able to maintain the health of the stomach and head. His heart was always happy and able to attract people's attention, so a lot of people liked. Often a large profit when working fine. Enjoy learning, pleasure-loving, and happy eating in crowded places. Unfortunately, if you often forget to return the borrowed. If the dress is simple. In speaking, he was happy to debate his opponent debatannya either right or wrong. He basically worked diligently. Suitable work so: Author, singer, and director. For men fit to work a paymaster, a broker, and founded the company.



Have a sharp intellect to plan a great job. Could provide for his household and be able to help his brothers. He is honest, kind, and the fear of poverty. Both his heart and like to think when alone at home. Typically he is glad the streets. He is articulate and eloquent in front of crowds. So many of the cast of the movement. Nice to have items new and modern models. Glad-dressed beautiful, and too happy to clean house charming. He was good at the technique and could be a corporate leader. But susceptible to disease throat, lungs, and kidneys. Fortunately he was able to resist the pain. He was pleased flattered, he sometimes cruel, and like her revenge, but it is easy to change destination. He was good at giving examples of the children with good cause.



Clever thinking, many of his opinions or ideas. So he was gifted with a job that requires the intellect. When he worked with the orders of people, even confused. Usually good at the household and patient and dear to the family. Could become head of the company, but he likes to follow his own will. If you find a mate glad to choose people who are diligent and clever set of household, and must obey his orders, otherwise he is easily angered. If you have an enemy does not want or do not easily forgive. And he was easily bored, impatient. But if against his loved ones he was being very patient, even to the lower ranks. Want to work now heavy, but if it works forgotten in his health. Maybe because he can withstand the pain. The man who was born in April, many profitable and easy to earn money, but easy to throw it away. Glad to dress nice and happy to hang out with ordinary people.



Good at the science of religion and science of government. Glad he did not expect anything done, which eventually could bring trouble yourself. Most prefer to travel abroad. When 35-year-old can collect treasures. In general, he likes to marry at a young age. He does not believe in others. And he could have a long life if he wants to love yourself and love others. Unfortunately he was prone to stomach ailments. And unfortunately he can not regulate itself, and anyway he does not "antepan". And do not want to exchange ideas with others.



Could restrain the passions and wrath. When it comes to sweet and appealing. Glad things are good and the food delicious. Could be to great when working in the fields of authors, doctors, and merchants. Normally less attention to the needs of others, because many of his personal affairs. Generally, he likes to work on his favorite field. However, if the job does not fit so lazy. He likes to work alone without the orders of others. So he'll have better luck if it could be a leader. He was clever and diligent work, unfortunately only have the character or nature of the spendthrift for his own pleasure.



Have expertise in the field of carpentry or engineering. And the happy knowledge of religion or other knowledge. Love of neighbor, honestly never lied. Glad the beauty of the language (literature), then that so many authors. If helping people is not half-hearted so many people who enjoy it. He could be trusted in important affairs such as holding in finance and administration. Before the age of 35 years frequently suffer from pain, but after the age of 35 years had never or rarely sick and can longevity. When he was good at his job search can be rich. Unfortunately it easy "hard", when sadly it hard to be comforted. And he was easily discouraged.

Thursday, December 15, 2011



Versatility to be proud of just one area alone. Glad to exchange ideas and to respect others. Moreover, he delighted pleasure and humor, likes to dress beautifully paced. If you want to hang out sincerely to heart (inner and outer), but if it is not easy to reconcile hostile. Rheumatic diseases have a talent and itching of the body, so if the cold should dress warmly. He was delighted to act on his own volition, to rule, refusing to be governed people. He seems to have the power of the eye (hypnotische Macht). A supernatural power. Glad to wealth and rank, and the like praising myself. He is so talented psychiatrist or physician, and deserves to be a lawyer and expert knowledge of medicines.


Clever thinking and talented to be a leader. It is suitable to the business of trading, and is also good when a teacher. Both the heart and also respect others. Jovial but easy to get hard. When her hard hard to be comforted, because think of, even know if it is of no use. Articulate and good at keeping secrets. He was very patient and painstaking, even with a small business. Very thorough and careful with money matters. Have a great allure, to many people loved him. But he was not happy with the work that has always ruled others, he enjoyed working with his own thoughts. After all he is not easily subject to influence and persuasion of others.

of 31

of 31

Enjoy working with unattached free. Aptitude for leadership because they believe in yourself and feeling quite smooth.

On 30

 On 30

Like to serve the truth and a lot of fortune.