Tuesday, January 31, 2012

As children and parents ONE

As children and parents ONE
As children often ONE
a. ONE own self-criticism, in anticipation of criticism that comes from other people to it.
b. Refrain from doing things that might not work perfectly.
c. Focusing on the expectations of his parents and his teachers.
d. Hold negative emotions in the liver because the assumption (the "good boy should not be angry").
e. He is very responsible, and can be expected to act as parents.

As children and parents ONE
ONE as a parent
a. Doing responsibility and moral values ​​to their children.
b. Very consistent and fair.
c. Strict discipline.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

like and hard the character nine

things like the character nine
a. The nature of non-judgmental and able to accept others
like and hard the character nine
b. Caring for and caring for others
c. Can apply to relax and enjoy life day by day
d. Properties realized that many people happy in the friendship, and it is easy to get along
e. The ability to see different sides of an issue, a mediator, and facilitator of good
f. Awareness on matters of sensation (stimulus), aesthetics, and feelings of the time now and here
g. Have the ability to follow the trend and feel at one with nature

like and hard the character nine
It is hard for the character NINE
a. If tried as hard to understand because it is difficult to change, and difficult decisions
b. Criticize themselves for lack of initiative and lack of discipline
c. Too sensitive to criticism, so take care of every frown and scolding mouth
d. Really confused about what she wants
like and hard the character nine
e. Really care about what others think of him
f. Not listened to his words or if he was not considered serious.
like and hard the character nine

Friendly and get along with the character of NINE

Friendly and get along with the character of NINE
The best and worst trait friendships with people with character NINE, as follows:
The best character traits NINE
a. Good-hearted person
b. like to affirm
c. provide support
d. Always loyal, faithful
e. People do not like to judge

Friendly and get along with the character of NINE
The worst character traits NINE
a. He was a stubborn
b. Sometimes passive, sometimes aggressive
c. It's hard to be convinced
d. Excessive adjustment
e. There is a tendency defensive.
Friendly and get along with the character of NINE
Friendly and get along with the character of NINE

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ways of dealing with people in character NINE

Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
a. If you want him to do something, the way you ask the important thing for him. He is most displeased if not anything has been overshadowed by a certain expectation or pressure
b. He enjoys listening and glad to be able to help others, but do not take advantage of the situation
c. Listen to him to finish speaking though he was talking about inferior materials
d. Give him enough time to complete the work and make decisions. Ok if you will remind him gently and do not give ratings
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
e. Ask questions to help him achieve clarity of purpose
f. Say if you feel good about her appearance. He does not reject a seduction
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE
g. Give her a hug, show your love is real (physical) to him, because that would open up his feelings
h. He was pleased with a good discussion, but rather something that is confrontational
i. Tell if you are pleased with what she is doing, or what he says
j. Laugh with him and follow the way he enjoyed taking part in this life.
Ways of dealing with people in character NINE

Friday, January 27, 2012

People who have NINE

People who have NINE nature tend to require a sense of peace and maintain a sense of peace is. He avoids conflict, and tend to take up a position with someone else. If it does the job, he reached out my time. Nine temperament owner took another eight character types. Therefore, NINE character has many shades. Ranging from soft shades of personality and behavior are soft, to the personal style of an independent and strong force. Here are the best and worst characteristics of people with character NINE.

People who have NINE
The best character traits NINE
a. He was a fun
b. give priority to peace
c. generous
d. patient
e. Easy to understand (peace)
People who have NINE
f. diplomatically
g. His view is open
h. empathy

People who have NINE
The worst character traits NINE
a. Like to take distance
b. like to forget
c. stubborn
d. Easily obsessed (burned)
e. Apathy (not caring)
f. Passive-aggressive
g. like to hear
h. It's hard to convince.
People who have NINE

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

LIKES and hard THE EIGHT character

a. Being independent and self-confidence
b. Can take part in the responsibility and the courage to face challenges
c. The nature of the brave, forthright and honest
d. Want to get all the fun and survive
e. The attitude of support, control and protect those close to him
f. Happy to support others.

LIKES and hard THE EIGHT character
It is hard for the character EIGHT
EIGHT-natured woman who sometimes feel the weight of his life in the community. This is because physical and daring them to our community character that is regarded as masculine (masculine character).  
LIKES and hard THE EIGHT character
The masculine character is as follows:
a. Hitting others with courtesy
b. Frightening someone else when he did not mean it
c. Restless and agitated by the inability of others
d. Looked up to other people and not getting credit for it
e. Do not forget the hurt or injustice
f. Not push yourself
g. Flare up when others do not obey the rules, or if something does not function properly.
LIKES and hard THE EIGHT character

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friendly and get along with the character of EIGHT

Friendly and get along with the character of EIGHT
The things we know in a friendship with someone with character EIGHT

Friendly and get along with the character of EIGHT
a. The best character
person is faithful, embracing (caring) friendship, positive, happy play, correct behavior, frankly, engaged, generous, and always supportive.

Friendly and get along with the character of EIGHT
b. The most ugly character
is that people like demanding, arrogant, belligerent, no compromise, quickly and often make mistakes.
Friendly and get along with the character of EIGHT

Ways of dealing with people in character EIGHT

Ways of dealing with people in character EIGHT
a. Stick to the establishment of each
b. Remain confident, strong, and outspoken
c. Do not girl talk about her
d. Do not betray his trust
e. Stay open and share your feelings to her
Ways of dealing with people in character EIGHT
f. See and acknowledge the gentle side of his character and be open to him
g. Give him a chance to own
h. Acknowledge the contribution he made, but do not seduce
Ways of dealing with people in character EIGHT
i. Frequently speaking in a tone that confirmed, and do not automatically think it was a personal attack
j. If she screamed, cursed, or stomp feet, try to remember that it was already his behavior.
Ways of dealing with people in character EIGHT

character EIGHT.

Spontaneously, one time you may never forbid anyone to ban the following sentence: "Do not go to sleep!" This attitude is accompanied attitude prohibits full of rage while still getting out of your bed. If you do this often enough so you can include people who have character EIGHT.
character EIGHT.

EIGHT people who have character, tend to behave because he is driven by the need for strong self-confidence, and avoid feeling weak or feeling dependent on others. Here's a dynamic tendency of people with character character EIGHT.

character EIGHT.
The best character traits EIGHT
a. Like it bluntly (direct)
b. ruling
c. faithful
d. full of spirit
e. human
f. protect
g. self-confidence

character EIGHT.
The worst character traits EIGHT
a. master
b. rebel
c. No feelings
d. repress
e. Self-centered
f. Underestimate (skeptical)
g. Aggressive.
character EIGHT.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

like and hard the character SEVEN

Things like the character SEVEN
like and hard the character SEVEN
a. Always optimistic. Tribulation-trouble do not make it sink
b. Spontaneous and free, vibrant
c. Nice to talk and blazing passion. This is part of the fun
d. Generous and trying to make this world a better place bail
e. Have the courage to take risks and try a thrilling adventure
f. Having fun is a wide and diverse range of abilities.

like and hard the character SEVEN
It is hard for the character SEVEN
a. Do not have enough time to do everything I want
b. Did not finish what I started
like and hard the character SEVEN
c. Unable to take advantage and goodness of a specialization, not too tied to the career
d. Punta drift trend continues; lost in gelagak plans and fantasies
e. Feeling trapped when friendships are involved only in one person.
like and hard the character SEVEN

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friendly and get along with the character of SEVEN

Friendly and get along with the character of SEVEN
The best properties in the friendship of people who SEVEN character is like the feeling of joy, to be generous, happy to go, attentive, knew the need, funny, and fun. He will introduce friends and he loved the new activities in the adventure.
Friendly and get along with the character of SEVEN

Friendly and get along with the character of SEVEN
SEVEN ugliest nature of friendship is like looking for fun (narscissistic), many rational considerations, opinions, defensive, and quick move yourself. Often times he doubts caused a sense of attachment to friendly relations.
Friendly and get along with the character of SEVEN

Ways of dealing with people in character SEVEN

Ways of dealing with people in character SEVEN
a. Give him friendship, love and freedom
b. Get involved with an exciting conversation and laugh
Ways of dealing with people in character SEVEN
c. Respect the "dream" magnificence and listen to the story
d. Do not try to change his ways. Accept him as a
Ways of dealing with people in character SEVEN
e. Stay accountable to yourself. You do not like people are sticky and have a need
f. Do not ask what to do.
Ways of dealing with people in character SEVEN

Thursday, January 19, 2012

In living his life,

In living his life, people tend SEVEN character driven by the need to achieve happiness. He is more likely to plan activities that are enjoyable as a contribution to the world. Instead, he tends to avoid suffering. As for the character traits SEVEN as follows:
In living his life,

The best character traits SEVEN
In living his life,
a. Likes to have fun
b. spontaneous
c. imaginative
d. productive
e. vibrant
f. fast
g. self-confidence
h. riveting
i. curious

In living his life,
The worst character traits SEVEN
a. Pleasure-loving
b. easily moved
c. no centralized
d. rebel
e. no discipline
f. possessive
g. too like
h. destroying themselves
i. Not quiet.
In living his life,

Things the character SIX

Things like the character SIX
a. Engaged, loyal to family and friends
Things the character SIX
b. Responsible and work hard
c. Close and get along well with others
d. Proficient and clever

Things the character SIX
Things she likes with the character of opponents fear (phobia)
a. There is no compromise
b. Facing danger with courage
c. Direct (no-nonsense) and confirms

It is hard for the character SIX
Things the character SIX
a. Stress and the steady attraction, including when in the trial for decision mengmbil
b. Always worried for fear of failure. The confidence that very few
c. Crease due to worries and always be alert to see approaching danger
d. Fear of abandonment or manipulated others
e. Longed for a book of rules on a job so it can do all tasks well
f. Too critical with yourself if he can not meet his expectations.
Things the character SIX