Friday, December 16, 2011



Clever thinking, many of his opinions or ideas. So he was gifted with a job that requires the intellect. When he worked with the orders of people, even confused. Usually good at the household and patient and dear to the family. Could become head of the company, but he likes to follow his own will. If you find a mate glad to choose people who are diligent and clever set of household, and must obey his orders, otherwise he is easily angered. If you have an enemy does not want or do not easily forgive. And he was easily bored, impatient. But if against his loved ones he was being very patient, even to the lower ranks. Want to work now heavy, but if it works forgotten in his health. Maybe because he can withstand the pain. The man who was born in April, many profitable and easy to earn money, but easy to throw it away. Glad to dress nice and happy to hang out with ordinary people.

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